Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
A repository of financial data and institution characteristics collected by the Federal Reserve System

Financial Data Download

Holding Company Financial Data

Each quarterly file contains all variables reported at the time of the respective financial statements.
Please note that data is made available as received from reporting institutions and may not be all
inclusive from all filers or subject to change prior to the 45-calendar day deadline for Y-9 reporting.

  • Each quarterly file is downloadable as a compressed TXT file based on the selected financial year, then quarter.
  • When files are unzipped, the data will be in text files delimited by the caret symbol (^), because some values contain commas.
  • Data is refreshed daily around 5:00am (EST), Monday through Friday.
  • Financial data are available for:
    • FR Y-9C — all domestic holding companies on a consolidated basis;
    • FR Y-9LP — all large domestic holding companies on an unconsolidated parent only basis;
    • FR Y-9SP — all small domestic holding companies on an unconsolidated parent basis, including balance sheet and income information for all three categories.
  • Financial and some structure items for all three reports are contained in one row for each institution within each file for the quarter selected. Files are not available by report.
  • FR Y-9C and FR Y-9LP data are collected quarterly. FR Y-9SP is collected semiannually.
  • The Micro Data Reference Manual Data Dictionary webpage contains a search function to locate descriptions for specific variables in the files and their reporting frequency.
  • Comprehensive variable lists of all BHCF and RSSD items are provided in two worksheets in a downloadable Financial Download Dictionary.