A repository of financial data and institution characteristics collected by the Federal Reserve System
Data Download
Tables of structure information for select banks and institutions for which the Federal Reserve has a supervisory, regulatory, or research interest
Available for active institutions, the last instance of closed institutions, and branch offices
Relationships data describes ownership between companies
Transformations data details mergers and acquisitions
Only currently published data are available (as-of-Date of compressed files represents the date the data was last refreshed)
Using the download files:
When asked how to view the file, choose to SAVE to your computer
Download is a compressed CSV or XML file; both format options contain identical datasets. General users are recommended to download the CSV formatted file which can easily be opened and viewed in most desktop applications. XML formatted download is recommended only for advanced users.
XML formatted files can be quite large and may be slow to open in a browser or generic desktop application. Ideally, the XML files should be saved locally and opened using an XML reader.