To calculate rate spreads for HMDA reportable loans, use a different calculator depending on the final action date:
Rate Spread Calculator for final action taken between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2017
The rate spread calculator generates the spread between the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and a survey-based estimate of APRs currently offered on prime mortgage loans of a comparable type utilizing the “Average Prime Offer Rates” fixed or adjustable table, action taken, amortization type, lock-in date, APR, fixed term (loan maturity) or variable term (initial fixed-rate period), and lien status. Rate spread is a calculated field and is NOT simply the APR on the loan application.
A batch rate spread calculator is also available to allow institutions to calculate the rate spread on multiple Loan Application Registers (LARs).
[1] Do not use the rate spread calculator to calculate the HOEPA status; they are two different fields which require two different calculations. See Help for more details.
[2] Effective July 7, 2016, APORs will be calculated using data from a combination of Freddie Mac's Primary Mortgage Market Survey and HSH Associates' survey data. View a table of the data and its sources.
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Last Modified: 1/12/2017