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FFIEC Online Census Data System

The FFIEC Online Census Data System (formerly named FFIEC Census Reports) is an online tool that can be used to access FFIEC census data by MSA/MD, county, and census tract.  The system also provides data for non-MSA areas, counties, and census tracts.

To use the system, first select the state that includes the MSA/MD of interest.  If the MSA/MD covers a multi-state area and you are looking for data for the entire MSA/MD, select the “All” option in the state list, otherwise, if a state has been selected, you will only retrieve data for the portion of the MSA/MD in the selected state.

There are four report options – Census Demographic Data Summary, Census Income Data Summary, Census Population Data Summary, and Census Housing Data Summary.

Census Listing:
How do I retrieve a census report for...
- a specific MSA/MD?
- the non-MSA/MD portion of a state?
- a specific county?