Reporting & Technical (FAQs)
Last Updated: 9/18/2012 Printable Version

* HMDA Data Collection and Report Preparation
* Submissions and Resubmissions
* Data Entry Software
* Public Data
* Data Products
* Geocoding


If these FAQs do not address your particular questions, please contact us.

HMDA Data Collection and Report Preparation

My institution will soon qualify to report HMDA data. What software and documents are available to assist me in getting started and how can I access them?

All materials that will assist you in collecting and preparing your HMDA submission are available from this FFIEC HMDA website. Do the following:

1. Access Regulation C and Official Staff Commentary.
2. Locate the 'How to File' subsection ( and

3. Determine your institution's Respondent Identification Number (RID). For guidance reference the HMDA Glossary under “RID – Respondent or Reporter ID”.

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Where can I review comprehensive documents and guidance information about Regulation C prior to collecting and preparing the current year's submission?

For a comprehensive review of the Regulation C amendments effective January 1, 2004, please access the following links:

Regulation C and Official Staff Commentary,

Regulatory and Interpretive FAQs and General Information and HMDA Price Data FAQs,

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Where can I find updates regarding HMDA processing and/or Regulation C changes?

As revisions and updates are made, they are posted on the FFIEC website at Refer to the “What’s New” column for recent changes and updates.

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When determining whether my institution is a required HMDA reporter what year is the 'preceding calendar year'?

The 'preceding calendar year' is the year prior to the calendar year of HMDA data that you are collecting. For example, if you are collecting 2014 HMDA data, the preceding calendar year is 2013.

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When I have a HMDA question, should I e-mail HMDAHELP and call the HMDA Assistance Line?

Please use only one service -- e-mail [email protected]. The HMDA Assistance Line will direct you to send an email to [email protected]. During the height of the HMDA processing season (January-April), HMDAHELP will experience an increased volume of inquiries. The response time could exceed five business days.

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When are initial HMDA data due and to whom is it sent?

  • You must submit initial HMDA data for your institution to the processing agency specified by your supervisory agency no later than March 1 following the calendar year for which the data are compiled. For more details, refer to
  • The Federal Reserve Board in Washington, DC serves as the processing agency for CFPB-, FDIC-, FRS-, NCUA-, OCC-, and HUD-supervised institutions. Data that you send to the FRB is considered late if the postmark on the package or the e-mail submission is after March 1st. (Note that if March 1st falls on the weekend, the due date moves to the first Monday.) Please see the Data Processing Timeline for more information on dates and deadlines.

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What is a voluntary reporter?

A voluntary reporter is an institution that does not meet the reporting criteria but chooses to submit their HMDA data. Be reminded that if you choose to be a voluntary reporter, you are responsible for the accuracy and quality of your data, and your report must comply with Regulation C, which implements the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA).

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Submissions and Resubmissions

What are the export options for submitting and/or resubmitting HMDA data?

'Submission via Web' is the newest, preferred, one-step submission, most secure and efficient export method.  Refer to the next question, 'How do I export (submit) HMDA data from the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software using Submission via Web?' for the steps to complete.

The other two export options for submitting and/or resubmitting HMDA data are ‘To Regulatory Agency via Internet E-mail" for encrypted submissions to the Federal Reserve Board or "To Regulatory Agency via Postal Service’ for Diskette/CD-ROM submissions.

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How do I export (submit) HMDA data from the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software using Submission via Web?

  1. Download a free copy of the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software.

  2. Select ‘Add’ Transmittal, and then ‘Add’ Loan Application Register (LAR) records to create a new submission.

  3. Prepare your HMDA data submission for the calendar year. Select ‘Save’ or if you have prepared your HMDA data submission using third-party software, ‘Import’ the correctly formatted ‘HRID_Agency_Year.dat’ file for editing purposes.

  4. Return to the Front Page and perform a ‘Batch Edit’ on the HMDA data. Correct all data with validity errors.

  5. Generate an Edit Report Listing and check the data containing quality edits; correct the data where appropriate. (This step is an optional one at this time; however, once you receive the edit report, you must check the data flagged with quality edits and if data are reported incorrectly, you should correct it and resubmit a complete file).

  6. Select ‘Export’ under the Data Utilities menu HMDA Front Page and review the Submission Checklist and then choose Continue with Export.

  7. Select ‘Submission via Web’ on the ‘Export’ options window and click ‘OK’ to continue the Submission via Web.

  8. Review the ‘Submission via Web’ notification and choose ‘Continue.’

  9. Click the ‘Begin’ button to start the submission process.  If you choose to begin the export, a question will appear to verify if you are ready to transmit your submission to your regulatory agency.  Choose ‘Yes’ if you are ready to transmit your HMDA data, click ‘Continue’ to continue the export process.

  10. The HMDA Data Entry Software will report the progress of the transmission.  At the successful completion of the data transmission, the user will receive a ‘Transmission Successful’ message.  This message will contain pertinent submission information and should be printed for future reference.  Click ‘Print' to print the notification.

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How do I export (submit) HMDA data via Internet E-mail?

  1. Download a free copy of the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software.

  2. Select 'Add' Transmittal, and then 'Add' LAR records to create a new submission.

  3. Prepare your HMDA data submission for the calendar year. Select 'Save' or if you have prepared your HMDA data submission using third-party software, 'Import' the correctly formatted 'HRID_Agency_Year.dat' file for editing purposes.

  4. Return to the Front Page and perform a 'Batch Edit' on the HMDA data. Correct all data with validity errors.

  5. Generate an Edit Report Listing and check the data containing quality edits; correct the data where appropriate. (This step is an optional one at this time; however, once you receive the edit report, you must check the data flagged with quality edits and if data are reported incorrectly, you should correct it and resubmit a complete file).

  6. Choose the 'Export' option from the Front Page.

  7. Choose ‘To Regulatory Agency via Internet e-mail’ option to send an encrypted submission to the Board.  (In this step, an encrypted HMDA file (HRID_Agency_Year.ENC) will be created and saved at the following path: C:\HMDA Data Entry Software\HMDASubmission\HRID_Agency_Year.ENC) (reference file location information).  

  8. Open your e-mail software and address your e-mail to ([email protected]).  Include all the required institution information and attach the encrypted HMDA file HRID_Agency_Year.ENC located at the following path: C:\HMDA Data Entry Software\HMDASubmission\HRID_Agency_Year.ENC (reference file location information).

    • Information to be included in the subject row of the e-mail is: Respondent ID, Agency Code and initial CCYY HMDA. (CCYY represents the year the data were collected).
    • Information to be included in the body of the e-mail is:
      • Institution name
      • Respondent ID/Agency Code
      • Contact name/phone number
      • Number of loan/application records

  9. Attach only the file with the extension ".ENC" to your e-mail. Files sent via e-mail with extensions other than ".ENC" are considered non-compliant and will not be accepted.

  10. Send your encrypted HMDA data submission free of validity errors to your regulatory agency (via the Federal Reserve Board) no later than March 1. Submissions should be sent by the deadline to avoid noncompliance.

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How do I export (submit) HMDA data on Diskette/CD-ROM via the Postal Service?

  1. Download a free copy of the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software.

  2. Select 'Add' Transmittal, and then 'Add' LAR records to create a new submission.

  3. Prepare your HMDA data submission for the calendar year. Select 'Save' or if you have prepared your HMDA data submission using third-party software, 'Import' the correctly formatted 'HRID_Agency_Year.dat' file for editing purposes.

  4. Return to the Front Page and perform a 'Batch Edit' on the HMDA data. Correct all data with validity errors.

  5. Generate an Edit Report Listing and check the data containing quality edits; correct the data where appropriate. (This step is an optional one at this time; however, once you receive the edit report, you must check the data flagged with quality edits and if data are reported incorrectly, you should correct it and resubmit a complete file).

  6. Choose the 'Export' option from the Front Page.

  7. Choose 'To Regulatory Agency via Postal Service' option. (The FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software creates the HRID_Agency_Year.ENC file in the export to Regulatory Agency via Postal Service and saves it at the following path: C:\HMDA Data Entry Software\HMDASubmission\HRID_Agency_Year.ENC) (reference file location information). The file must be the only file on the diskette or CD-ROM

  8. All diskettes or CD-ROMs submitted must be formatted and virus-free.

  9. Copy to the diskette or CD-ROM the HRID_Agency_Year.ENC located at the following path: C:\HMDA Data Entry Software\HMDASubmission\HRID_Agency_Year.ENC (reference file location information).

  10. Label the PC diskette(s) or CD-ROM with information containing the Respondent name, Identification number, agency code, processing year, contact name, phone number, e-mail address, number of LAR records, and any other pertinent information.

  11. Overnight the diskette(s) or CD-ROM free of validity errors to your regulatory agency (via the Federal Reserve Board) no later than March 1. Submissions should be postmarked by the deadline to avoid noncompliance.

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How do I know if my submission has been received and processed?


Submission via Web provides a confirmation that the HMDA file was received successfully at the Board.  Using Submission via Web provides a guarantee that the file will be in the correct HMDA submission format for processing.

Submission via Internet E-mail provides a confirmation e-mail that the HMDA file was successfully received; however, until the file is processed, there is no guarantee that the file your institution submitted is in an acceptable format.

Submission via diskette/CD-ROM using an overnight carrier will provide confirmation that the submission was received at the Federal Reserve Board building; however, until the file is received and processed in the HMDA Operations Unit, there is no guarantee that the file your institution submitted is in an acceptable format.

Once your data submission is processed, your institution will receive an Edit Report to review and sign off on the confirmation sheet.  If your institution does not receive an edit report within ten business days of submitting your data, email [email protected]; in the subject heading of the email include ‘Outstanding Edit Report,’ Agency Code and State.

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What do I do if I find an error in my HMDA data file after it has been submitted?

Make the correction to your HMDA file and send in a complete resubmission; partial resubmissions should not be sent.  See the data collection procedure change regarding data resubmissions.  Refer to the next question, "How do I resubmit HMDA data?" for the resubmission guidelines.

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How do I resubmit HMDA data?

  1. Make corrections to your HMDA data.

  2. Perform a 'Batch Edit' and make sure that all data with validity errors are corrected or data with quality edits are checked and resolved when appropriate.

  3. Submit data using the preferable export option on the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software – Submission via Web; other export options are ‘To Regulatory Agency via Internet e-mail’ for encrypted submissions to the Federal Reserve Board or ‘To Regulatory Agency via Postal Service’ for mailing Diskette/CD-ROM submissions.

  4. Receive and resolve edit report.

  5. Sign off on the confirmation sheet.

Submit the entire corrected file using Submission via Web, Internet e-mail, or on diskette/CD-ROM via overnight mail service. See the data collection procedure change regarding data resubmissions.

If you select the export options of Internet e-mail or mailing diskette/CD-ROM, mark your resubmission as a “Complete Resubmission of CCYY data” as well as the respondent ID and agency code in the e-mail subject line (or in writing if mailed). In the text of the e-mail (or in writing if mailed), also include the reason for your resubmission along with the other information asked for in the Internet e-mail, diskette/CD-ROM file specifications (institution name, respondent ID number, agency code, processing year, contact name, phone number, and LAR count being transmitted).

If you choose the Internet e-mail option to transmit your data, send a complete resubmission to [email protected]. If you choose the diskette/CD-ROM option, mail (preferably overnight) the file to:

Federal Reserve Board
Attention: HMDA Processing, (Enter Regulatory Agency -- CFPB, FDIC, FRS, NCUA, OCC, or HUD)
20th and Constitution Avenue, NW
MS N402
Washington, DC 20551-0001

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Is there a penalty if my institution has to resubmit?

Questions about charges and penalties should be directed to your supervisory agency. Institutions are expected to submit valid and accurate HMDA data that have been checked using edits approved for the particular calendar year. If an institution is to resubmit its data, a complete resubmission should be sent; partial resubmissions should not be sent. For resubmission procedures, refer to the previous question "How do I resubmit HMDA data?" For additional guidance, reference Regulation C, Section 203.5(a)-7 and 8, and page 2 of the HMDA Guide, under Management’s Responsibilities.

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Data Entry Software

Can any year's HMDA software be used to prepare and export several different years of HMDA data?

Beginning with the 2009 HMDA Data Entry Software (DES) release, the DES is specific to only one collection year. In addition, the software root directory includes the century/year (CCYY) in that part of the path where the HMDA encrypted file is saved; thus, for the 2016 HMDA Data Entry Software, the DES root directory in the path will be HMDA Data Entry Software 2016. The full path for the saved 2016 HMDA encrypted file will be:

C:\HMDA Data Entry Software 2016\HMDASubmission\HRID_Agency_Year.ENC

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From where can I download the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software?

Download the most recent version of the software from the FFIEC HMDA website.

The FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software is NOT network compatible, and the FFIEC does not support installation to a network. The software should be installed locally on a hard disk, (i.e. C:drive).

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How do I import data into the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software?

Select 'Import' from the Front Page. Choose the 'Import' option and click 'Ok'.

Select the target file where the import file is located. If necessary, locate the file by choosing the 'Browse' button. Click 'Begin'. A warning will appear with information regarding the length of time it will take to import the data. Click 'Ok'.

A box will appear asking the question, "Are there more LARs to import on another file?" Choose the appropriate option. A box will appear indicating the number of LARs imported.

Verify this information and click 'Ok', which returns you to the Front Page.

A 'Batch Edit', located on the Front Page, should be performed after each import.

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How do I ensure a validity error-free HMDA submission with the 'Batch Edit' function?

To ensure a validity error-free submission, select 'Batch Edit' from the Front Page. A description of the Batch Edit will appear, click 'Begin'.

The Batch Edit will be performed and you will receive a Transmittal and LAR edit status upon completion. If your submission contains errors, you must print an 'Error Report' from the Front Page and correct those errors prior to submitting your data. Repeat the Batch Edit after you have corrected your data.

If your submission contains warnings, this means the submission contains Quality Edits. The data with Quality Edits are NOT necessarily an error; however, they should be verified and corrected, if appropriate, prior to submitting your data.

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What is Submission via Web?

Submission via Web, an exclusive export feature of the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software (DES), is the most secure and efficient method to submit your institution's HMDA data file to the Federal Reserve Board. Submission via Web offers a single-step submission process which provides confirmation that the HMDA file was received successfully at the Board. In order to use this new feature, the institution must be included on the HMDA panel (list of expected reporters). We encourage all institutions to download the appropriate year's HMDA DES to take full advantage of this preferred submission method.

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How do I export HMDA data from the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software using Submission via Web?

After successful installation of the software, open the software.  Initial access into the software will require a validity-free Transmittal Sheet to be completed in its entirety, or the successful import of an existing .DAT file.

Following the completion of the submission, perform a Batch Edit prior to submitting the data.  If errors are detected, print an Error Report to identify the loan/application records in error and correct the erroneous data.  HMDA data containing errors cannot be submitted to your regulatory agency using Submission via Web.

Click Export under the Data Utilities menu HMDA Front Page and review the Submission Checklist and choose Continue with Export.

Select Submission via Web on the Export options window and click OK to continue the Submission via Web.

Review the Submission via Web notification and choose Continue.

Click the Begin button to start the submission process.  If you choose to begin the export, a question will appear to verify if you are ready to transmit your submission to your regulatory agency.  Choose Yes if you are ready to transmit your HMDA data, click Continue to continue the export process.

The HMDA Data Entry Software will report the progress of the transmission.  At the successful completion of the data transmission, the user will receive a 'Transmission Successful' message.  This message will contain pertinent submission information and should be printed for future reference.  Click Print to print the notification.

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When I export the HMDA data, does a copy still exist in the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software?

Yes, data are maintained within the software even when exports are performed.

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Is there a way to backup the data file to a disk using the HMDA Data Entry Software and then move the data file to another computer?

Yes, this can be done by copying the database files from the DATA directory on the old computer to the same location on the new computer.

First, install the software on the new computer.

Return to the old computer and select 'Export' from the Front Page. Beginning in 2008 and forward, select the export option "For Other Purpose". For years prior to 2008, select the export option "To Regulatory Agency via Diskette". Make sure you have a diskette in the appropriate drive.

After successfully exporting the data, import the data into the HMDA Data Entry Software on the new computer by selecting 'Import' from the Front Page and following the prompts.

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What happens if the computer on which the HMDA Data Entry Software is installed crashes? Can information keyed up to the crash be retrieved or are there backup procedures that we should implement?

You should ALWAYS backup your data file by saving it to your network drive or a disk. If your hard drive crashes, you can always download another copy of the software and import the saved data file into the program.

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If I download and install a new release of the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry software for any given year, will that override or wipe out any data/loans that have already been input and saved?

No. Downloading and installing a new release of the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry software will not delete, erase, or override any data that your institution may have previously input and saved to a previous release of the software. In addition, it is not necessary to uninstall the current release of the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software prior to downloading the updated one. The new release will capture any data that you previously entered in a previous release. However, institutions should always use the “Export for Other Purposes” option in the FFIEC HMDA Data Entry Software to create a backup copy of the data saved to a network drive or any accessible location. When a new release of the FFIEC HMDA software is made available, users who downloaded a previous release of the software for any reporting year should also download the new release for the current year of reporting.

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Public Data

How can I get a copy of the Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting it Right!?

You can download a copy of the most recent Guide directly from the website. Please refer to the website periodically for status updates on the Guide.

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My institution reported HMDA data for last year; however, I did not receive the disclosure report. How can I get a copy?

Beginning with calendar year 2005 HMDA data, HMDA data public disclosure reports will only be available through the FFIEC HMDA website at If you have questions about retrieving a disclosure report from this website, Contact Us.

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When is the final disclosure report available?

HMDA data for a specific year are released in September of the year following the calendar year of the data. Disclosure reports are available at

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Is an institution required to mail a copy of the disclosure report to someone who requests that it be mailed?

An institution must respond to the receipt of a written request for a copy of the disclosure report within 15 calendar days. For more information, refer to Appendix C, Section 203.5 (Disclosures and reporting), of the Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting it Right!

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Data Products

What is the best data product to manipulate and analyze the HMDA and/or PMIC data?

The best product that allows you to manipulate and analyze HMDA data is the HMDA LAR & TS Raw Data Windows Application, which can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet at

If you are interested in Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) data, the PMIC LAR & TS Raw Data Windows Application can be downloaded free of charge from the same Internet site.

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Can I download the HMDA and/or PMIC data that is included on the website?

Starting with CY 2007 data, the LAR & TS Raw Data Windows Application for HMDA or PMIC will be available free of charge via download ( If downloading the 2007-2016 HMDA LAR & TS Raw Data Windows Application or 2008 – 2012 PMIC LAR & TS Raw Data Windows Application is not feasible (e.g. PC without Internet connectivity), please complete the data order form and fax it to 202-452-6497. For years prior to 2007, contact the National Archives (NARA) for HMDA data availability, cost, and media type information. . (For PMIC raw data for years prior to 2007, please refer to the data order form).

The aggregate tables, disclosure reports, and national aggregate tables cannot be downloaded, but you can print the information shown on the screens.

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What if I need to order a HMDA product for years prior to 2013?

Please see the following question regarding historical HMDA data products provided by the National Archives (NARA). Contact NARA for data product availability, cost, and media type information.

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Can I order historical HMDA data from the data order form?

The FFIEC has contracted with National Technical Information Service (NTIS) to provide certain historical HMDA data to the public. The following items are available: Pre-1990 HMDA Aggregation Data for years 1981 through 1989; the HMDA Aggregate Reports for years 1990 through 2002; the HMDA National Aggregate Reports for years 1991 through 2008; the HMDA Reporter Panel for years 1990 through 2008; the HMDA TS and LAR Raw data for years 1990 through 2008; and the HMDA Census file for years 1990 through 2008. In addition, NTIS provides the following items under Searchable CD-ROM Products - FFIEC HMDA Aggregate and Disclosure (A&D) Data Reports for years 2000 through 2003; FFIEC HMDA LAR & TS Raw Data Software for years 2000 through 2013; and the FFIEC HMDA Census Data for years 2000 through 2013. Those interested in any of the above data products should contact NTIS for availability, cost, and media type information.

The HMDA data files and reports are also available at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in various media types with the most common media type being DVD/CD. Available years at NARA are CYs 1990 through 2013. From the main website page, search for 'Home Mortgage Disclosure'; next, click on 'Highlight Search Terms' where you will be taken to the links listed below.

NARA organized the HMDA data, reports and files under one of four links:

  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Data Files, compiled 1981 - 2013
    Includes TS/LAR and Panel Ultimate and Final Data, identifier number 2456161
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Reports, compiled 1990 - 2013
    Includes National Aggregate and Aggregate Reports, identifier number 2462357
  • Mortgage Lending Assessment Data Files, compiled 1990 - 2013
    Includes CRA/HMDA Combined Census files, identifier number 4700101
  • Disclosure Statement Report Files, compiled 1990 - 2013
    Includes Disclosure Statements, identifier number 4699299

For 1999 and years thereafter, HMDA National Aggregate Reports are available on the Internet at

In addition, the HMDA A&D Reports for 1999 and years thereafter are available via the Internet at Beginning with CY 2004, mass production of HMDA A&D software on CD-ROMs was discontinued, making the HMDA A&D Reports available only via the Internet.

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If the FFIEC Geocoding System does not provide me with MSA-MD/State/County/Census Tract information, should I send in my HMDA submission without this information included?

Please do not send in your HMDA submission without property location information because you cannot find it using the FFIEC Geocoding System. A reporter must include valid property location information on each record of their HMDA report; otherwise, validity errors will occur on the report. If the FFIEC Geocoding System does not provide the information about the geographic information about the property location, there are several other resources that may be used

Be reminded that it is the reporter's responsibility to exhaust all available resources in obtaining valid property location information.

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What should I do when the FFIEC Geocoding System tells me an address is not found?

It is possible that a provided street address will not be found and consequently no geocode information will be returned. While this should not occur frequently, it may be due to timing -- new developments, for instance, come into existence all the time and may not have been accounted for in the database release that is used in the FFIEC Geocoding System. Additionally, the FFIEC Geocoding System typically uses the preferred USPS city name for a given zip code and does not geocode P.O. Boxes or Rural Routes.

When an exact street address cannot be found, use the Mapping feature. The map will display the best guess location for the entered address. Follow the below steps to properly geocode the location:

  • Select the “User Select Tract” box on the left section of the map screen
  • Zoom in and out to find the nearest cross street for the desired address. Click the mouse over this location to ensure a blue dot populates the screen.
  • The results will display in the "Selected Tract" information box on the left section of the map screen, and a blue dot will be shown at the location you selected.
  • To get demographic information for the selected tract, use the "Census Demographic Data" drop down menu located about halfway down on the right side of the map screen.

In addition, there are census tract maps and other tools available from the U.S. Census Bureau.

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Why does the FFIEC Geocoding System freeze when I search on an address?

A recent Chrome update has introduced a bug that causes the Chrome browser to freeze when it tries to load very large images, similar to the one projected on the Geocode application. The bug affects Chrome version 46.0.2490.71 when it is run on Windows 7 and some versions of Mac OS X.

Chrome users who experience this issue with the Geocoder should use Firefox or Internet Explorer to access the Geocoder, or downgrade Chrome to a previous version.

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Do you provide a system-to-system geocoding API or Web service interface that can be used to obtain geocoding information directly?

We do not provide this service.

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I am a HUD reporter, who do I contact for assistance?

For assistance with HMDA processing, Contact Us. Questions regarding the discontinuance of FHA data collection and negative reports should be directed to Jerry Fasick of HUD at 202-755-7500 x7540.

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I am a HUD reporter, where do I send my HMDA submission?

HUD reporters should refer to Mailing Addresses on where to submit/resubmit HMDA data.

Also review the topics under the Reporting and Technical FAQs, the 'Submissions and Resubmissions' for the various export options and the instructions on how to submit/resubmit HMDA data.

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I am a HUD reporter, how do I submit or resubmit my HMDA data?

Review the topics under the Reporting and Technical FAQs, the 'Submissions and Resubmissions' section.

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I am a CFPB reporter, who do I contact for assistance?

For assistance with HMDA processing, Contact Us.

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I am a CFPB reporter, where do I send my HMDA submission?

CFPB reporters should refer to Mailing Addresses on where to submit/resubmit HMDA data.

Also review the topics under the Reporting and Technical FAQs, the 'Submissions and Resubmissions' for the various export options and the instructions on how to submit/resubmit HMDA data.

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I am a CFPB reporter, how do I submit or resubmit my HMDA data?

Review the topics under the Reporting and Technical FAQs, the 'Submissions and Resubmissions' section.

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