FFIEC 019 Reporting Form -
current version (last update September 2024) (PDF)
FFIEC 019 Instructions - current
version (last update March 2022) (PDF)
Geographical Classification from the Department of the Treasury (PDF)
Letter for Revision to the FFIEC 019 - March 27, 2023 (PDF)
March 2024 FFIEC 019 Renewal
Final Federal Register Notice for the Renewal of the FFIEC 019 - published July 30, 2024. The comment period expires August 29, 2024.
Initial Federal Register Notice for the Renewal of the FFIEC 019 - published March 4, 2024. The comment period expires May 3, 2024.
May 2021 Proposed FFIEC 019 Revisions
Final Federal Register Notice for Proposed Revisions to the FFIEC 019 - published August 18, 2021. The comment period expires September 17, 2021.
Initial Federal Register Notice for Proposed Revisions to the FFIEC 019 - published May 7, 2021. The comment period expired July 6, 2021.
Letter for Revisions to the FFIEC 019 - March 22, 2022 (PDF)
Letter for Revision to the FFIEC 019 - August 18, 2021 (PDF)
Letter for Proposed Revision to the FFIEC 019 Report - May 11, 2021 (PDF)
Redlined Draft FFIEC 019 Reporting Form and Instructions with Proposed Effective Date as of the March 31, 2022, Report Date – September 8, 2021 (PDF)
June 2018 FFIEC 019 Extension without Revision
Final Federal Register notice for FFIEC 019 – published July 30, 2018. The comment period expires August 29, 2018.Description: This report collects information, by country, from U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks on direct, indirect, and total adjusted claims on foreign residents. The report also collects information about the respondents' direct claims on related non-U.S. offices domiciled in countries other than the home country of the parent bank that are ultimately guaranteed in the home country. A breakdown of adjusted claims on unrelated foreign residents provides exposure information.
Agency OMB Numbers:
7100-0213 |
Purpose: The Federal Reserve System, the FDIC, and the OCC use the data to monitor significant foreign country exposures of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks. Data are also used to evaluate the financial condition of these branches and agencies.
Background: As a result of liquidity problems experienced by some U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, the report was implemented on June 30, 1986, to assist the agencies in carrying out their supervisory responsibilities under the International Banking Act of 1978.
Respondent Panel: The panel consists of branches and agencies of foreign banks domiciled in the United States with total direct claims on foreign residents in excess of $30 million. For purposes of this report, banks in Puerto Rico and U.S. territories and possessions are not considered foreign banks. Participation is required.
Frequency: Quarterly, as of the last business day of the quarter.
Public Release: Microdata are confidential.
Documents are in Portable Document Format (PDF).
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Last Modified: 09/26/2024 4:30 PM