Submission via Web, Internet E-mail, File Encryption Instructions
Submission via Web
The Submission via Web is the new secure option for transmitting your CRA data to your regulatory agency. Submission via Web transmits your data to your regulatory agency in ONE step, rather than encrypting your submission file, attaching the encrypted file to an e-mail and submitting the e-mail via Internet. Submission via Web requires an Internet connection.
Internet E-mail
In the subject line of the e-mail type the following information:
In the body of the e-mail type the following information:
ATTACH the cRid_Agency_Year.enc to the e-mail and send the e-mail.
You will receive an automatic response to confirm receipt of your file within 48 hours. Save this e-mail for future reference. If you do not receive a response within 48 hours, contact [email protected] or the CRA Assistance Line at 202-872-7584. All inquiries regarding CRA should include the following information:
File Encryption
Address the e-mail for submission to [email protected] and attach the encrypted file to the message before sending the e-mail. Please include all contact information mentioned in the e-mail instructions on the previous page.
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Last Modified:
09/06/2018 5:52 PM