Submissions via Web, Internet E-Mail and File Encryption Instructions

Submission via Web, Internet E-mail, File Encryption Instructions

Submission via Web

The Submission via Web is the new secure option for transmitting your CRA data to your regulatory agency. Submission via Web transmits your data to your regulatory agency in ONE step, rather than encrypting your submission file, attaching the encrypted file to an e-mail and submitting the e-mail via Internet. Submission via Web requires an Internet connection.

  • Download a free copy of the CRA Data Entry Software at
  • After successful installation of the software, open the software. Initial access into the software will require a validity-free Transmittal Sheet to be completed in its entirety, or the successful import of an existing .DAT file that contains your CRA micro data.
  • Following the completion of the submission, perform a Batch Edit prior to submitting the data. If errors are detected, print an Error Report to identify the loan/application records in error and correct the erroneous data. CRA data containing errors cannot be submitted to your regulatory agency using Submission via Web.
  • Click Export from the CRA Front Page and review the ‘Did You Know’ screen and choose Continue with Export
  • Select Submission via Web on the Export options window and click OK to continue the Submission via Web
  • Review the Submission via Web notification and choose Continue
  • Click the Begin button to start the submission process. If you choose to begin the export, a question will appear to verify if you are ready to transmit your submission to your regulatory agency. Choose Yes if you are ready to transmit your CRA data, click Continue to continue the export process
  • Click OK on the Warning Page if the information provided is correc
  • The CRA Data Entry Software will report the progress of the transmission. At the successful completion of the data transmission, the user will receive a 'Transmission Successful' message. This message will contain pertinent submission information and should be printed for future reference. Click Print to print the notification.

Internet E-mail

  • Download a free copy of the CRA Data Entry Software at
  • After successful installation of the software, open the software.
  • Once all submission data are entered, perform a Batch Edit prior to Exporting the data. If errors are detected, print an Error Report to identify the loan/application records in error and correct the erroneous data. CRA data containing errors cannot be exported via e-mail.
  • Once the submission is error free, choose the Export option from the Front Page. A message will appear titled, “Did you know?” Click “Continue with Export”.
  • For export options, choose the option, “To Regulatory Agency via Internet E-mail” and click “OK”.
  • The file path indicating the location of the file that should be attached to the e-mail submission will be provided. The Path is C:\CRA Data Entry Software 2015\CRASubmission \cRID_Agency_year.enc. Confirm the current year submission and choose “Begin”.
  • A warning message will appear containing pertinent submission contact information. If this information is correct, choose “Continue”. If the information is incorrect, choose “Cancel” and correct the information.
  • The Export Status will create the exported file to the path stated above. A message box, titled “Encryption Complete” will appear. PRINT this message. The message contains further instructions as well as the e-mail address for your submission. “Close” the box. You have successfully created the cRID_AGENCY_YEAR.ENC file for Internet submission.
  • Address an e-mail for submission with the correct e-mail address stated in the printed message above: [email protected].

In the subject line of the e-mail type the following information:

  • Respondent ID
  • Agency Code
  • Initial Submission or Complete Resubmission

In the body of the e-mail type the following information:

  • Institution Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone
  • ATTACH the cRid_Agency_Year.enc to the e-mail and send the e-mail.

You will receive an automatic response to confirm receipt of your file within 48 hours. Save this e-mail for future reference. If you do not receive a response within 48 hours, contact [email protected] or the CRA Assistance Line at 202-872-7584. All inquiries regarding CRA should include the following information:

  • Respondent ID
  • Agency Code
  • Institution Name
  • Contact Name and Phone and/or E-mail

File Encryption

  • Institutions utilizing other vendor's software for CRA reporting can still take advantage of the Internet Email option.
  • After successful installation of the Data Entry Software, Click on “Start”, “Programs”, “CRA Data Entry Software”, “Encryption Utility”. A warning message will appear to inform you that this software does not connect to the Internet. Click “OK” to continue.
  • Next you will need to locate your CRA data file for encryption. If you are using a software package other than the FFIEC Data Entry Software, your data file may be named something other than cRid_Agency_Year.dat. Please refer to your vendor documentation to determine the name and file location of your CRA data file.
  • Click the “Begin Process” button to start the encryption process. Once the process is completed, a new file named cRID_AGENCY_YEARx.ENC will be created. A message box, titled “Encryption Complete” will appear. PRINT this message. The message contains further instructions as well as the email address for your submission. “Close” the box. You have successfully created the cRID_AGENCY_YEARx.ENC file for Internet submission.

Address the e-mail for submission to [email protected] and attach the encrypted file to the message before sending the e-mail. Please include all contact information mentioned in the e-mail instructions on the previous page.