The included file is a comma delimited list of all census tracts for use in the 2022 FFIEC Census File. The following fields are included: Field Name Definition Year Year of data (2022) MSA Code MSA Code State Code State Code County Code County Code Tract Tract Code MSA Med Family Income Median Family Income (MFI) of the Metropolitan Statistical Area/Metropolitan Division (MSA/MD) (or statewide non-MSA/MD) in which the tract resides. Tract Med Family Income Tract level MFI Income % Tract level MFI divided by the MSA/MD level MFI, and the result is truncated to two decimal places. Income Level Ind Income Level Indicator identifies each census tract as not available, low, moderate, middle, or upper. It is determined from the Income % using the following categories: The codes are: 0 -- Not Available: if tract median family income = 0 1 -- Low: if tract median family income is > 0% and < 50% of the MSA/MD median family income 2 -- Moderate: if tract median family income is >= 50% and < 80% of the MSA/MD median family income 3 -- Middle: if tract median family income is >= 80% and < 120% of the MSA/MD median family income 4 -- Upper: if tract median family income is >= 120% of the MSA/MD median family income Notes: - Island Areas are not included in this release. - All tracts and demographics are from the 2016-2020 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates. - A tract with an MFI of 0 indicates a tract with too few sample observations for an MFI to be reliably calculated. If the tract MFI is 0, then the Income % and Income Level Indicator are also 0. Geography notes: - The 2022 FFIEC Census File adopts the tract changes from the 2016-2020 ACS 5-Year Estimates.